Team two

Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. Steve Jobs.

user 11

Albert Rodrigo

Founder and ceo

user 12

Simon Posche

Founder and ceo

user 13

Richard Gates

Founder and ceo

user 14

Jessica Meller

Founder and ceo

user 15

Sarah Setted

Founder and ceo

user 16

Jennifer Lourance

Founder and ceo

user 17

Jon Merto

Founder and ceo

user 18

Alberto Fedez

Founder and ceo


Jessica Mayer
Founder and CEOUnited States

Simon Smith
Top managerUnited States

Public relations

Sarah Marris
Head relationsUnited States

Alberto Franco
Press releasItaly

Irene Buzzatti
News and channelsItaly


Debora Spears
Head relationsUnited States

Taylor Jolie
CollaboratorUnited States

Leonardo Harper
Founder and CEOUnited States


Alan Torris
Head relationsUnited States

Erik Alba
Security memberUnited States

Frederic Artisio
Security memberUnited States